Top Management College in Kolkata | PGDM College in India Praxis

Program Fees & Scholarships


Amount in Indian Rupees

Pay byAdmission
7 days of Offer
28 days of Offer
October 15, 2025
June 15, 2026
October 15, 2026
Program Fee
Admission Confirmation76,000    76,000
Tuition Fee 1,95,0001,95,0001,95,0001,95,0007,80,000
Course Material 20,00020,00020,00020,00080,000
Placement Fee 8,0008,0008,0008,00032,000
Library & IT Infrastructure 8,0008,0008,0008,00032,000
Campus Maintenance 25,00025,00025,00025,0001,00,000
Total Fee76,0002,56,0002,56,0002,56,0002,56,00011,00,000
Caution Deposit (Refundable) 30,000   30,000
Installment – Day Scholars76,0002,86,0002,56,0002,56,0002,56,00011,30,000

Living Expenses

Hostel Fee 60,00060,00060,00060,0002,40,000

** This includes Alumni Association Life Membership Fee – Rs.5000.00 which will be paid to Praxis Business School Alumni Association on behalf of the graduating student. The balance amount of Rs.25000.00 will be refunded to the student.

The Institute will make arrangements for convenient commute to the Praxis Campus from designated locations at reasonable cost. This fee is not included in the fee details mentioned above and will be payable by students availing the service.

Praxis Scholarships

Praxis Business School Scholarship Scheme

Praxis Business School has a comprehensive Scholarship Scheme aimed at promoting access to quality education and fostering diversity in its PGDM program.

Scholarships Available:

  1. Foundation Scholarships
  2. Women in Technology Scholarships

Foundation Scholarships:

  1. Scholarship amount: Rs. 3 lakhs
  2. Number of scholarships on offer for each batch: 18
  3. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Qualifying Scores:
      • Class X – 80%
      • Class XII – 80%
      • Graduation – 70%
      • CAT / XAT – 70 percentile
    • No year gap/ backs in academic career
  4. The Scholarship will be disbursed in two parts:
    • Rs. 1.00 Lakh will be adjusted against the 1st instalment payable by the student.
    • The balance Rs. 2.00 Lakhs will be adjusted against the 4th instalment payable by the student subject to meeting the following conditions:
      • Rank in the top 30% of the batch at the end of the 4th term of the Program.
      • All fee instalments have been paid within the specified deadline.
      • Not involved in any instance of misconduct, misdemeanour, cheating, plagiarism or any such act of indiscipline.

Women in Technology Scholarships:

  1. Scholarship amount: Rs. 1 lakh/candidate
  2. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Qualifying Scores:
      • Class X – 70%
      • Class XII – 70%
      • Graduation – 60%
      • CAT / XAT – 70 percentile or CMAT- 85 percentile or MAT – 90 percentile
    • No year gap/ backlogs in academic career
  3. The Scholarship will be adjusted against the 4th instalment payable by the student subject to meeting the following conditions:
    • Rank in the top 30% of the batch at the end of the 4th term of the Program.
    • All fee installments must be paid within the specified deadline.
    • Not involved in any instance of misconduct, misdemeanour, cheating, plagiarism or any such act of indiscipline.

Scholarship General Conditions:

  • All students who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for the scholarships.
  • Students have to apply to the scholarships at the time of admission.
  • A student can apply for any one of the above scholarships.
  • Scholarship letter will be issued after the student has submitted documentary proof of his/ her scores/ records and is deemed fit for award of the respective scholarship.
  • The award of the scholarship is subject to the final approval of the scholarship application by the Academic Council of Praxis Business School.

Tuition Fee Waiver or Supernumerary Seats:

  1. Student Assistance amount: Rs. 7.8 lakh (on tuition fees only)
  2. No. of seats on offer: 9
  3. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Qualifying Scores:
      • Class X – 80%
      • Class XII – 80%
      • Graduation – 70%
      • CAT / XAT – 70 percentile
    • No year gap/ backlogs in academic career.
    • Student’s parents annual income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 8.00 Lakh.