How to prepare yourself to get a data science internship?

How to prepare yourself to get a data science internship?

Get familiar with the terminology 

In the first place, to prepare yourself to get a data science internship it’s crucial to know what you’ll be working on. Answer this question to yourself– why do you want to work in data science? Is it because you love programming, math, statistics, and the opportunities they offer? Or are you caught in a wave with the trend since ‘Data Science’ and ‘Machine Learning’ are currently trending? Understanding the subject and familiarizing yourself with its terminologies by attending PGDM Course in Kolkata or in Bangalore.

Some of the common things you’ll need to work on would include – machine learning and algorithms, deep learning, coding skills, natural language processing, computer vision, recommendations engine.

To prepare yourself to get a data science internship you must note that the employer will be interested more in your technical skills rather than your soft skills. So it is important that you have a command on them and put your best foot forward.

Build a portfolio digitally

You should complement all your effort by showcasing your skills in the best possible manner.

Statistics, programming, and machine learning alone will likely not land you that internship. It is imperative to build your digital presence. Showcase your immense potential and demonstrate the skills and experience you have acquired during your data science journey. 

Work on projects

Structured thinking is one of the best ways to help you work on your projects which will help you put your knowledge into practice. If you know all the techniques then the next step is to showcase them in a project

Make a Github profile

Several recruiters look into your Github profile in order to evaluate your potential in the field. Github gives access to recruiters worldwide to look at your resume.

Write blogs

To fine-tune, your structured thinking skills is a crucial step in preparing yourself to get a data science internship. This can be achieved by breaking down complex topics into simpler, easy to understand language and putting them down into paragraphs. Writing an article would help you do the same. Alternatively, you can also answer Quora questions for the same.

Optimize your Linkedin profile

Being the world’s biggest professional network, Linkedin gives you a platform to maintain a profile and resume and showcase your experience, skills, projects, and accomplishments in one place. 

On a concluding note, it is a given that you must prepare for your internship’s interview and practice your skills and work on projects to land yourself a data science internship.

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