Setback? Or Opportunity!

What do you think of when you think of luxury watches? Craftsmanship, beautiful design, superior quality and high prices. Prices so high that they range anywhere between the cost of a small holiday to that of a car; but in 2015, brothers, Danielius and Matas Jakutis, sought to change all that. They went on KickstarterRead More

Advertisement Pujo!

The city’s biggest festival was recently concluded and it was full of crowds and colours and food and fun! But the other stand out feature of Durga Pujo, other than the pandals and the idols of course, is the sheer amount of marketing, advertising and publicity involved. And we aren’t just talking about the publicityRead More

Game of Group Projects!

So you have been assigned a group project and you must now choose a team that complements your abilities. Choose carefully, for in the Game of Group Project, you either win or you are stuck with a horrible team. Yes, that was a reference to Game of Thrones. Also, yes, to make things interesting, weRead More

Nirma Advert Si Recall!

Do you know what’s common between them? Actresses all? Well, not all of them are. Oh, we get it! They are all members of either the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha or have been at some point. Yes, that’s true. But there’s something else as well. Not got it yet? Think again! Here, weRead More

The iPhone short!

Michel Gondry is a French independent filmmaker who won an Oscar for best original screenplay as one of the writers of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. He also directed the film. He has also directed The Green Hornet, Indigo and The Science of Sleep among other films. And from him comes this delightful shortRead More

The TiVo Prankvert

Last week we wrote about Prankvertising, this week we are sharing an example (click on the link at the end of this post) of such. In this ‘prankvert’, TiVo pranks movie goers by inserting a commercial in the middle of the film. The point being, that no one likes their films interrupted. This highlights theRead More


Advertising is, in the very basic sense, a means to communicate with consumers, both current and potential, by a company to publicise its products and services. It is a very dynamic concept and has evolved through the ages. From print to audio to visual and so on! Pranks on the other hands are light heartedRead More

The Miracle of Eden: Management lessons.

Cricket is arguably India’s most popular sport and it’s as much a game of bat and ball as it is of strategies and planning. Cricket, like most, sports demands not just skills in the sporting department but also requires exceptional management skills. And these management skills are not just restricted to the backroom or theRead More

Hell Of An Esolang!

Let us tell you the tale of the Esoteric Programming Language or ESOLANG as they are often abbreviated to. These are programming languages that are designed less for practical use and more for experimentation and even sometimes as a joke. They are deliberately hard to program in and there is a small but active communityRead More

Antikythera Mechanism

This here is the Antikythera Mechanism. Discovered along the coast off the Greek Island of Antikythera in 1902 by archaeologist Valerios Staiswas; the Antikythera Mechanism was found in the wreckage of a Roman ship believed to have sunk around 60 BC. The device itself dates back to 85 BC and recent studies suggest that itRead More

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